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Helping domesticated small animals in need

Home: Welcome


Kerry's Kritters Small Animal Rescue is an ethically run rescue in Upwell a small quiet village on the boarder of Norfolk and Cambridgeshire

We believe that all animals matter, no matter the size


Our mission is to rescue, rehabilitate and rehome as many domesticated species as we are able to, being a non profit organisation means we are fully self funded and sometimes need to rely on the public for donations in order to help more animals in need

We are also dedicated to helping people of all community's by educating them on better animal welfare practises and husbandry for their pets in various ways, we offer free welfare & animal care talks and demonstrations in house on an ad hoc basis and hope to have regular training positions for college students next term


Our goal is to help animals thrive instead of survive, and we believe one of the best ways we as animal guardians can help them to thrive is by providing enough space, enrichment and the correct species appropriate diet, see our full animal welfare core policies, procedures and values below

Home: About


Kerry's Kritters Small Animal Rescue focuses on bringing a positive change to animal welfare in a variety of ways. Our work is inspired by the support and commitment of our community members who share in the belief that all animal lives matter.



With our mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies to make our Rescue efforts more effective. Contact us to learn more about our team’s hard work and commitment to this cause.



With this initiative, our goal is to support the welfare of animals in need. With the support of our dedicated community, our Advocacy efforts go a long way. Learn more about this initiative and how you can help.

Home: Our Work
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